Maine School Administrative District #6 (MSAD6) uses Google Workspace for Education across the district.
Students in grades K-12 are given access to a student Google Workspace for Education account through Bonny Eagle/MSAD6. The account will be used to:
let teachers communicate more effectively with their students.
teach students how to use Gmail, Google Docs, and other Google applications appropriately.
enable students to work in Google Docs to complete assignments on any computer with internet access without having to need special software.
Please note that as these accounts are affiliated strictly with MSAD6, students who are in grades K-8 can only send/receive email from anyone within the bonnyeagle.org domain. Students in grades 9-12 will have the ability to send/receive email outside the district. It will be explained to your student that this service is only to be used when instructed to do so by a teacher, for educational purposes. Misuse of the account could result in at least the suspension of account usage.
Please contact your student’s teacher with any questions or concerns.