about board meetings

The MSAD 6 Board of Directors invite the public to attend their meetings. They feel that it is very important for interested persons to know about the workings of District Six. Further, it is important for the Board and Administration to understand what is important to the community. The public is invited to participate in the meeting in accordance with the policy and rules established by the Board.

The primary purpose of the meeting is for the Board to conduct its business as charged by law. Meetings of the Board are public in the sense that they are held in public. This does not mean they are public meetings in the same sense as a "town meeting". There is no statutory requirement in Maine that the public be permitted to speak at Board meetings. However, the Board welcomes comments and concerns related to the matters under consideration by the Board, within the guidelines set forth in Board policy "Public Comment at Board Meetings" (Code BEDH). The Chair will provide an opportunity during the consideration of each major agenda item for public comment.

To be eligible to address the MSAD 6 Board of Directors, an individual should reside within MSAD 6, be an employee of MSAD 6, or be invited to speak by the Board or the Superintendent of Schools.