GATES Identification process
The MSAD #6 Board of Directors commits itself to a policy of meeting the needs of the gifted and talented students and to help these students feel comfortable in their roles as creative productive individuals now, and in the future. The goal of the program is to enable students to understand, develop, and utilize their higher mental processes or artistic talents.
General Intellectual Ability, and Specific Academic Aptitude Gifted and Talented Education Academic Identification Overview According to Chapter 104, Education of Gifted and Talented Children in the State of Maine, "Each school unit shall conduct an initial screening and thereafter an annual review of the K-12 population to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to be considered for selection and placement in the gifted and talented program."
Formal identification takes place during the spring for students in grades three, five, and eight. Students who have outstanding intellectual or special academic needs will be formally identified through this process. Objective and subjective data is collected on all students in grades three, five, and eight. See ID process for grade specific identification information.
The Child Study Team (CST), made up of GATES staff, guidance counselor, and district administration, meets in May/June. The GATES staff will present information gathered through the screening process to the Child Study Team. Students are selected as intellectually gifted or gifted in a specific academic area. Between approximately three to five percent of the grade level district population will be identified for GATES services. Parents will be notified by mail of CST's determinations. Written parent/guardian permission is required to participate in the GATES program. Parents may appeal decisions made by the CST. To begin the appeals process the parent completes a GATES Appeals Form (see Forms). The CST then considers all new information that the parent/guardian provides. The decision by the CST is final.