board meeting format

The MSAD 6 Board of Directors generally meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month in the conference room in our Central Office located at 94 Main Street in Buxton. Regular Board meetings are televised. Agendas are prepared by the Superintendent and Board Chair and are posted electronically at least four days in advance of each meeting.

Standard Board Agenda

The standard Board agenda is built on the following format:

  1. Call to Order

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum

  4. Approval of Minutes

  5. Report from the Board Chairperson

  6. Report from the Superintendent

  7. Committee Reports

  8. Action/Discussion Items

  9. Other

  10. Planned Executive Sessions

  11. Adjournment

Executive Session

In accordance with the Freedom of Access ("Right to Know") law, Board meetings are held in public. The Board may go into private or executive session, upon vote of 3/5 of the members present and voting, for consideration of certain matters specified in law (such as personnel matters, student suspension/expulsion, contracts to be negotiated, collective bargaining, legal advice or pending litigation). No final action may be taken in executive session.